lauantai 2. lokakuuta 2010

The epic prologue

"Erkka-reppureissuilla" is Finnish and basically means "Erkka's backpacking" and that's what I'm about to do for still undefined amount of time with no solid plans really. Started 25th of September and probably taking about 2 months, or at least as long as I'll run out of money. This is anyhow the way I planned it, let's see what happens in the end.

This is also in a way the first time in my life that I've had the opportunity take my time and travel as long as I will. After I finished my 1-year lasting civil service for the government at the Helsinki University (this is something we must do in Finland if one is not willing to do the military-service. The 3rd option being: spend your time in jail or otherwise released from the service), I started to work for about 2 months as a cabdriver for my dad at my hometown and filled in my savings that I required for the travels. Before this I was studying for about 5 years continuously completing the "double degree" on audiovisual -communication studies in vocational school and high school at the same time. That's the short of it how I got enough of the whole "everyday is exactly the same" -routine.

"Kaukokaipuuko" simply means "Wanderlust?".
So here's the antihero of our story in Brussels:

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