perjantai 22. lokakuuta 2010

Netherlands part.. no wait, been there done that. Berlin!

 "It seems" I didn't write  anything the next day after all. It's been like what... almost 3 weeks since the last update. And actually, I'm not even gonna try catching up on that, maybe later I can fill it in from my diary, but now it's just too hard, so much is happening.

Now I shall just happily report that we (Sami, I and a guy from Berlin who we named "Jonathan") almost-safely made it to Berlin on wednesday with these 2 Russian guys driving a tiny Mercedes, doing 170 km/h in the autobahn, rear door totally smashed from right-hand side which barely kept close and was sealed from wind with a plastic bag. :D Found the ride from this really popular german carpooling website which -in general- can be concidered safe. This guy anyway was to begin with one and a half hours late (enjoyed every second of it in front of mcdonalds when it started pouring rain), and for some reason russian guy named Vladislav when in the original msg was some german guys name on it. Now that I think about it my cousin Ute DID say something about the guys german -accent being strange, now it all makes sense. (Btw. thanks a million again Ute and Sara for making things happen and helping out in general!) So, we got in anyway since there wasn't that much other options, Sami had a flight to catch on the next morning and the train being ridiculously expensive for my budget anyway. I'd rather slept under a bridge than did that really. To Dortmund we ended up after getting stuck with hitchiking in Venlo, Netherlands and running out of time gradually. Anyway, all ended up well and the even the russian guy was pretty chill in the end, just reeaally tired after driving 12 hours continously (??). So, now I'm staying at friend's place in the awesome neighbourhood of Kreuzberg, Berlin, come to say hello if you're about!

Today I was very pleased with myself (and the cafe) for managing to wash all mine and some  of my host's laundry in the local "cafe" (bar actually) -laundry (believe me, can get rather tricky without any instructions other than german), such a handy place anyways: 3,50 € for the washing, 0,50 drying, 1,50 a pint of beer. I looove Berlin! Not to mention food which is like about half of the finnish prices.. Anyone willing to move in with me here? (Not a rhetorical question)

Over and out. Keeping it short -> this way i might be able to keep up with happenings, little by little. Enjoy life everyone!

ps. Sami if you're reading this, get on with booking the flight back, so much shit to see in here. :D

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